Additional comments and articles are below:
The Patriot Guard Riders are a fantastic group. Part of their mission statement reads:
Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
- Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
- Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protester or group of protesters.
As you have probably already seen if you've watched the videos of Shawn's homecoming, they came out in force for Shawn. Here is a link to page one of comments about Shawn in their online forum
David Hall rang the Liberty Bell at Shawn's visitation, the funeral service, and at the graveside. It could be heard all over town. A video news report done previously about the bell and David Hall can be seen HERE.
WFAA Dallas channel 8 article and video
The Dallas Morning News article
The Hico News Review photos and articles can be seen hered in PDF format:
Blogs and Comments
Vaught Did You Say blog. Don't miss the second comment.
Revealed Wonders blog
USMC Parents forum Memorial guestbook
For Love of Country written by Shawn's uncle, Jay Barishefsky
Vaught Did You Say blog. Don't miss the second comment.
Revealed Wonders blog
USMC Parents forum Memorial guestbook
For Love of Country written by Shawn's uncle, Jay Barishefsky

Other Comments:
- Wow, what else can be said...this is absolutely beautiful and extremely moving. I too, did not have the opportunity of ever knowing Shawn but knew some of the family growing up and attending Catholic school. Never in a million years would I have imagined that while I knew some of the Hefner boys, I did not realize for some time that night at the Visitation, that Shawn's mother, Robin and I were friends back some thirty something years ago. For some reason having known both of Shawn's parents at some point in my life.... made their loss have a bigger impact on me-it hit that much closer to home. And while, any loss of life while fighting for the freedom of this beautiful Country is horrific .... It always seems more of a reality when it's someone you know and I felt as though I did know Shawn more than I realized. Robin especially, has shown me that you can't let the end of your child's life be the end of your's as well. I know her (and Patrick's ) life will never be the same, but she has been given the incredible strength to carry on and keep Shawn's spirit alive. Everytime, I see that she or someone has put something online, I have to take a moment ro read (even if it's been posted a number of times before) there is always something different I have gotten from reading or watching the new posting and it continues to bring a flood of tears. Still I cannot explain if they are tears for the death of a young, brave man, who I did not know or tears for the heartache and personal loss that Robin and Patrick and their family must wake up to every day. Amazing how one life/one death can bring so much wisdom and so much heartache to someone who is standing on the outside of this circle of life of a stranger. Please don't stop the postings. They are a reminder that life is short and each of us has the potential to leave a mark on this world we live in. It might be something as confined as helping a friend or a stranger through a tough time or as broad as bringing together a force of peace and freedom that will forever be remembered in our history. May Shawn rest in peace knowing that he gave everything he had to so many who can walk out of their homes everyday without worrying about every step they must make that day. We have so much freedom in our hands that many take for granted....all because of the unselfish sacrifice that so many have given over the years and unfortunately will continue to give in years to come. Thank you for such a moving story and I hope to continue hearing more about this remarkable son of a very special family. May God continue to bless them for the unselfish sacrifice of their son, Lance Cpl. Shawn P. Hefner.
- Henry: Please know our thoughts and prayers are going out to your family and friends. Shawn is in a much better place than we are and in good hands. I talk with my Grandfather often, through prayer, a sign or a thought and I sent him a special message to take Shawn out to one of Great Lakes of Heaven. When it's our time to join them, it will be fishing adventures like no other.
Melanie Thornton
Grapevine, TX
- Dear Hefner Family~ I was alerted by another Marine mother of LCpl Hefner's passing on Friday 11/13/09. My heart is heavy for you as you bring your hero home to his final resting place. Having my own Marine I understand the pride and honor in which Shawn served. He is my hero also and my son and I hold him close in prayer. God Bless you, your family and your community with strength during this difficult time.
Teri VPM of LCpl Kevin, USMC
Cedar Park, TX
- Thank you Mr. Shawn Hefner for having the FORTITUDE to serve your country at a time when it is so easy to turn the other cheek and let someone else serve...May you rest in the hands of the lord Marine.
- I am saddened every time a soldier is lost defending my freedom, but Henry my heart goes out to you and your family. This rips a little bit of my heart away...I love the Marines. My brother is a Marine going on 20 years...he's a Gunny and just took on leadership in an area that will potentially lead him into some dangerous territory...but he wouldn't have it any other way...just like Shawn. Shawn is a hero. I appreciate his service and sacrifice. Please tell the family how grateful I am for Shawn.
- That tears me up. I'm am humbly grateful to your entire family for the sacrifice this young man made for our entire nation. Prayers for all of you in this time of sadness.
Rest in Peace warrior.
- I've clicked on this several times and couldn't think of what to post. A thousand thanks to you and your family for the sacrifice that your nephew, and you all have made.
- I saw America last month. I’m a U.S. Marine Corps Vietnam veteran, and I helped the Patriot Guard Riders escort my fallen USMC brother from Waco Reginal Airport to his home in Hico a week and a half ago. He was killed in action Nov. 13.
Along the 65-mile route, I saw hundreds of Americans standing on the side of different roads paying their respects to this fallen warrior and his family. I didn’t see any Washington politicians, only Americans. I was proud, once again, of my country and my Marine Corps.
Lance Cpl. Shawn Hefner died defending our country. My son is there now where Shawn fell. I saw both young and old Americans crying while standing by their cars and trucks on the side of State Highway 6. My eyes had tears in them as I rode my bike with all the others.
Thank you, fellow Americans, for loving our military people. It wasn’t always that way. But today I’m very glad to be home. Semper Fi.
Ron Brigance
- I wanted to thank your family and Shawn for giving his life so that I may live free. He is a true American hero.
I didn't have the pleasure of ever meeting him, but have been following his story since I found out about him around Thanksgiving.
I am so sorry for your lose, but you can go away from this knowing that there are a lot of people that I personally know that really appreciate him fighting for our freedom. Please take that with you in your time of grief. Thank you again. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
Amy Reed
- To the Hefner Family and friends: this a wonderful tribute to a good Marine, a great American, and an outstanding young man. It was a pleasure to serve with Lance Corporal Hefner in Afghanistan and he continues to inspire us. It was an honor to meet you and I now know where Shawn got his strong sense of duty and values. God Bless and Semper Fidelis,
Anthony Angelone
- You did a wonderful Job with the Memorial Website. I have just received a letter from the Family ; thanking me for sending a Card !
I want to thank them for the incredible Sacrifice their Family made ! And I wish them strength .
God bless you and bless our Troops !
Petra Linden
Soldiers Angel
- Hello, My husband and I are friends of Pat and Robin. In fact, they blessed us with a short visit this week (4/6/10) in Albuquerque on their way to California. We love the Hefner family so much and we were heartbroken over Shawn's passing. We used to work with Pat and he and Robin are so dear to us. God bless you for the love you bring to the family and you are forever in our prayers. Thank you, Shawn, for protecting my babies while I slept. You are my hero.
Betty Jo (B.J.) Menger
- I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Shawn's mother, Robin, on a daytrip my husband and I took that lead us to Hico.
Little did I know that I would be so moved by her alone, that I would think about her often and tell others about her. I shared our meeting to others at the next Blue Star Mothers meeting in Waco, and hope that some day our paths will cross again. From one Marine Mom to another, it was my honor to meet you, thank you for your continued support for those of us who still pray each day for our childrens safety as they defend the safety of others.
God Bless
Liz Crump
- Thank you Lord, for your gift to us of Shawn, and your blessings unto him and all the rest of the true heroes who have fallen for us.
- We thank you for your son's service to our country and ultimate sacrifice. He is one of the "Brave for the land of the Free".
- Mary Todd, Mother of Fallen Hero, SFC David James Todd, Jr. KIA 8-20-08